Diabetes Québec
Founded in 1954, helping people with diabetes for more than 50 years;
More than 45 affiliated associations throughout Québec;
Close to 1,500 volunteers, for a total of close to 54,000 hours of volunteer work per year;
More than 570 information sessions over the past year;
Thousands of calls answered each year;
Publication, since 1959, of the quarterly magazine about diabetes Plein Soleil and, since Fall 2000, Flash Diabetes Québec newsletter;
Founded in 1979, Diabétaide offer educational programs to people with diabetes as well as to healthcare professionals;
Creation, also in 1979, of the Diabetes Québec Professional Council (CPDQ), now grouping over 1,400 healthcare professionals working in the field of diabetes;
Launching, in 1999, of the Web site : www.diabete.qc.ca
Presentation of memoirs and lobbying;
Organisation of the First Québec Forum on diabetes, in April 2000, and of the Intermultidisciplinary Summit on Diabetes, in November 2003;
Member of the Organizing Committee of the two National Diabetes Symposiums, in February 2001 and in 2003;
Member of the International Diabetes Federation, of the Quebec Diabetes Consultative Committee, and, since 1994, reciprocal affiliation and partnership agreement with the Canadian Diabetes Association;
Host association of the World Diabetes Congress of the International Diabetes federation (IDF) in Montreal in October 2009.