Nature Canada

Телефон: 613-562-3447
Другой телефон: 1-800-267-4088
Факс: 613-562-3371
Адрес: 75 Albert St, Suite 300, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Почтовый индекс: K1P 5E7
Сити: Оттава
Ппровинция: Онтарио
Карта: Просмотр большой карты
Commercial Art and Graphic Design
Web Directory No.LK-301639-3652
Nature Canada is a member-based non-profit conservation organization. Our network includes 40,000 supporters and more than 350 naturalist organizations across Canada.

Our mission is to protect and conserve wildlife and habitats in Canada by engaging people and advocating on behalf of nature.

Our strategies are based on sound science and a passion for nature.

Our focus is on effecting change on issues of national significance, including bird conservation, wilderness protection, endangered species and connecting people to nature.

Through our conservation work, we:

- Support on-the-ground, community-based efforts to protect animals, plants and habitat for future generations
- Push for effective laws and supporting policies that protect endangered species today
- Encourage the development of an effective network of parks and protected areas from coast to coast to coast
- Conserve bird habitat and promote biodiversity in Canada and abroad
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